Tangail Porabari ChamCham (1kg)

৳ 370.00

Tangail Porabari ChamCham (1kg)

৳ 370.00

We Receive Bulk Order in Whole Country & This Product 1kg Available for Tangail.

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যেভাবে অর্ডার করবেন

Chomchom, cham cham, or chum chum is a traditional Bengali sweet, popular throughout the Indian subcontinent. The cuisine comes in a variety of colors, mainly light pink, light yellow, and white. It is coated with coconut or mawa flakes as a garnish.

We Receive Bulk Order (min 40kg) in Whole Country & This Product 1kg Available for Tangail.

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Delivery charge inside Tangail city 20 Taka
Delivery charge outside Dhaka 100 Taka
Home delivery charge 200 Taka

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Weight1 kg

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